Editor’s Note:

Most cultures hold a ceremony on the one year anniversary of a death, to help the community deal with the ache, the loss and the silence. But the best and most powerful of these ceremonies go beyond mere comfort of the living. They conjure. They blast open the doors between worlds, so the spirit can jump ship, play hooky from heaven, and find a way back to us. To speak. To dance. To sing.

Enrique Fernandez left us a year ago, but he was a writer touched by the angels y los santos, and his song is unstoppable.

And so on the anniversary of his passing, a ceremony: We are re-opening the doors of this blog that he wrote in the last years of his life. We’ve collected (and are collecting) fragments we have discovered of his unpublished writing, as well as important published articles from his 45 year career. Stay tuned; we’ll be putting more up over the next months.


Enrique Fernandez

He sido maestro, editor, crítico, columnista, comentarista de televisión y radio (now that was fun!), y camarero, not a bad one, if I must say so myself. Ahora vivo en el monte y tengo un double-wide, que es casi como decir bohío, en, bueno, aquí casi no hay loma. Y me dedico a la meditación (la de relajo, la de verdad la practico de Pascua a San Juan)  y el majá (that one I have down). A veces escribo.

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The same, except all in English, plus a PhD in Comp. Lit., fancy teaching jobs and fancy publications where I worked. But there's way too much vanity in this website already. And besides, what does it matter what you say about people?